This work is a gentle unwinding through the layers of your body and being.
What is NetworkSpinal?
During NetworkSpinal sessions, precise contacts are made at specific neurological access points or gateways along the spine. These gateways cue the brain to connect to your body ~ and this improves communication between the brain and body. This shift in communication has a holistic effect on the body.
NetworkSpinal care has been researched and proven to increase your quality of life across many areas. The benefits include:
nervous system regulation
decreasing physical patterns of pain and tension
metabolizing and integrating physical, chemical and emotional trauma held in the body
adapting to stress & releasing tension
embodied somatic awareness
making healthy choices
experiencing your body’s natural rhythms
increased emotional bandwidth
improved focus, cognitive function and postural changes.
A NetworkSpinal Demonstration
Watch as Donny Epstein, the developer of NetworkSpinal
describes this approach to healing.
How does NetworkSpinal work?
NetworkSpinal creates connection and coherence in the nervous system through a gentle unwinding of spinal cord tension. When the spinal cord tension unwinds, the first thing your body will do is take a deep breath…and begin to release embedded neurological stress patterns. Your brain will experience safety and connection as your body unwinds primal spinal cord tension patterns. Many of these patterns were formed in your mother’s womb… and now they have a chance to unwind. As this process continues, your nervous system gradually finding its way from a defended, fixed state - to a place of openness and adaptability.
At the beginning of care, people report feeling more connected to their breath, body, and posture. People experience new emotional, physical and mental awareness. Muscular tension decreases.
As care progresses, the nervous system learns a new language, synapses of light find new ways to communicate between the brain and body… the body begins to digest and integrate what has been unmetabolized on a physiological and neurological level. As this process unfolds, a unique phenomenon takes place: the Network Wave moves up and down your spine. This wave has been studied and validated as the second known “Central Pattern Generator”. Your body has one other Central Pattern Generator, and this is your gait, the way you walk. What this means is: your spinal wave is more unique to you than your fingerprint.
When the Network Wave begins to move through your spine, it reorganizes your central nervous system and body. When the wave travels up and down your spine, it suspends conditioned patterning, nervous system interference and defense strategies that distract you from your true nature. The wave pattern interrupts conditioned patterns and creates pathways for healing and wellbeing. The wave invites change and healing in every part of your body.
Research shows that as people experience the Network Wave, they begin to make healthier choices.
90% of people who experienced NetworkSpinal care reported an increase in their overall quality of life. A retrospective study of 2,818 patients receiving Network care in the United States and around the world, demonstrated that Network care is associated with profound and statistically significant improvement in self-reported wellness areas.
What trends were seen in patients receiving Network care?
An increasing percentage of patients reported progressively greater improvements in the areas assessed, as a function of duration of care. That is, in the population studied, there was no “ceiling” to the results over time, for the health and wellness categories investigated. The benefits reported among patient respondents were evident from those under care as recent as 1-3 months, to those under care for as long as 3 plus years. These results have led the investigators to conclude that “within the boundaries of this study designs, these findings provide substantial evidence that Network Care should be included among those practices with established health benefits.
Read about the research here.