How sacred it is to be here, breathing.
It is springtime and the leaves are budding on the trees in sweet emergence. I am admiring the way Mother Nature embodies the inherent wisdom of aliveness.. coming out from beneath the soil, darkness of the world below, she opens herself to the tenderness of rebirth. The cycles and circles, organic surrender of becoming.

A Chiropractic Blessing
Chiropractic in its essence, is a laying on of the hands, to help people experience more of who they are. The intention of chiropractic is to help people travel the inborn, natural path of uncovering who they already are, by way of the central nervous system.
A great blessing comes through this chiropractic perspective, in the recognition that we are already whole, there is nothing to discover outside of ourselves. We have, within us, everything we need to heal. There is nowhere to go, nothing to strive for, only an allowing, a returning to our essential Self. We are designed to be whole.